- 1876: List of Crown Land before parliament intended to be dedicated for ‘ Public Purposes’ includes Lots 7 & 8, Section 3, Huskisson, for ‘Church of England church and parsonage.’
- 1877: Trustees appointed for land dedicated for church & parsonage in Huskisson. Trustees were local identities: John Watson, George Dent (senior), James Dent, Thomas Granderton & William Barham.
- 1878: 1st January: Government granted the land to church trustees – Lot 8 – ½ acre
- 1880: 10th January: second grant to the trustees – Lot 7 – 1 acre.
- 1979: 29th November: Title transferred to Anglican Church Property Trust Sydney Diocese
- 2017: 14th February: Huskisson Land Sale Ordinance. The Archbishop of Sydney assents to an Ordinance permitting sale of Huskisson property by the Anglican Church Property Trust.
- 2021: Anglican Church land sold to Hawke St Huskisson Pty Ltd.
As at 7/8/21 Hawke St Huskisson Pty Ltd owners: 50% each Jure Domazet and Stephen Bartlett. - 2021: Both church lots currently zoned Infrastructure SP2 – Place of Worship. Current DCP allows development up to 3-4 stories.
2/7/2021 Church concludes sale of site to Hawke St Huskisson Pty Ltd