Heritage Listing Finalised.

Click on image above to see the actual listing of the site on the State Heritage Inventory.

Update May 10, 2024: The NSW State Government has gazetted on Shoalhaven Local Environment Plan the listing of the whole site. It is done. It is law.

Above is the Council’s recording of HHA President Dr Shirley Fitzgerald’s deputation.

Above is the Council’s recording of Jerrinja Land Council board member Noel Wellington’s deputation.

This is the Council’s recording of the “debate*” over listing the site. We thank the Councillors for supporting the community and respecting our Aboriginal brothers and sisters.
*As you will see the five councilors who voted against the listing stayed silent.

We encourage all our supporters to click on the image above and read/like the Jerrinja LALC Facebook post. The JLALC have stood shoulder to shoulder with us all the way through the campaign.


For more documentation concerning the listing go here.

The site was about to be Heritage Listed in 2005 but Cl Greg Watson and the Church intervened and it was not listed. We doubt this correspondence was expected to be made public.

In 2019 the Heritage Council wrote to the SCC: after much discussion, with the conclusion being that this … is highly likely to be of local heritage significance.
The then Council majority voted to ignore this advice.