Some SCC Heritage Listing Documents.


12/5/23: At last Shoalhaven Council has applied to State Govt. to Heritage list the Huskisson Church and Burial site.

12/11/22: Status Report: Heritage Listing of the Former
Anglican Church, Huskisson

Passed and received (unanimously)


14/11/22: Council voted on Short Term Protection Options – Former Anglican Church, Huskisson

20/9/22: Mayoral Minute moved by Amanda Findley and approved at an an Extra-Ordinary Council Meeting

MOTION (Clr Findley / Cr Butler)

That Council
1. Affirms that it fully supports the application made to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water by the Jerrinja LALC, seeking a declaration of emergency protection for lots 7 and 8 in DP 758530 on the corner of Hawke, Bowen and Currambene Streets, Huskisson NSW (including the former Anglican Church at Huskisson).
2. Commence the process to immediately list the Former Anglican Church, Huskisson and any associated items on the site (including Lots 7 and 8 Section 3 DP 758530) as a ‘Heritage Item of local significance in Schedule 5 of the Shoalhaven Local Environment Plan 2014, including the preparation of an updated statement of heritage significance and any other required supporting information.
3. As part of the Gateway determination submitted to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment, note that although a development consent for the relocation of the church has been issued and commenced, that this is not the will of the current Council elected in December 2021.
4. Report back to Council as soon as possible on additional measures that Council can take to immediately protect the site while its heritage listing is being pursued.
5. Confirm 29 September 2022 as the date for a comprehensive briefing on the matter with Councillors and stakeholders.  
FOR: Clr Findley, Clr Kotlash, Clr Norris, Clr Butler, Clr D’Ath, Clr Christen and Clr Gray
AGAINST: Clr Copley, Clr Ell, Cir White. Clr Wells, Clr Watson and Clr Kitchener  
Click on link below for webcast. Huskisson Church item starts at 11:36

18/7/22: The HHA is informed The NSW State Government is “Not Proceeding” with Planning Proposal – Lots 7 & 8 Section 3, DP758530 Huskisson Former Anglican Church

11/4/22: Council rejects so-called “scraping” of the graves, starts process to Heritage List the site and sets up community briefing and consultation session.

On April 11 the majority of Shoalhaven City Councillors passed a motion (see below) that instructs Council staff to prepare a timeline to heritage list the church and grounds.

They also ruled out any so-called “scraping” of the site and reaffirmed the requirement of Council to “Continue to liaise with key stakeholders including the Jerrinja LALC, Council’s Aboriginal Advisory Committee, and the Huskisson Heritage Association (HHA)”. 

Councillors asked staff to prepare a briefing to outline an approach for Council to work with the community and developer to undertake a community led process to determine future options for use of the site.

We applaud the Council for taking this path.

FOR: Clr Findley, Clr Kotlash, Clr Norris, Clr Butler, Clr D’Ath, Clr Christen and Clr Gray
AGAINST:  Clr Copley, Clr Ell, Clr White, Clr Wells, Clr Watson and Clr Kitchener

11/4/22: SCC Meeting. The majority of Councilors rejected the staff advice and supported the above motion. Hopefully it will be a game changer.

Council are being asked to proceed with so-called “scraping” of the site. Councillors know that the Aboriginal community are opposed to this. The SCC’s Aboriginal Advsory Committee and descendants do not want the ground of the ancestors disturbed.
When a descendant said she would do everything in her power to stop it, developer and hotel owner Stephen Bartlett was quoted in the press: They can carry on all they want. The police are going to bring in a tactical response and move them on.
We call on Council to respect the Aboriginal voice and not approve the “scraping:.

To justify the “scraping” Navin Officer have produced a 110-page Heritage Assessment and Historical Archaeological Research Design report (HAHARD). The report has been prepared without consultation with the local Aboriginal community who have much to say about the burial site.
Council must insist that consultation take place before anything happens on the site.

The report purports to be a rebuttal of evidence presented by the community, the HHA and the GPR survey Navin Officer itself commissioned. The report that located seventy-three areas of disturbed soil most likely to be associated with unmarked grave shafts and/or funerary urn burials.

The HHA will produce and circulate a critique of the report and undertake to revise its own findings if new evidence rquires it.

